Steam Highwayman I Revised

While preparing for the soon-to-be-announced Kickstarter for Steam Highwayman II, I’ve also completed a revision of Volume I: Smog and Ambuscade, incorporating further map labels, typography corrections and fixes for broken links.  That should mean that any copies printed from now on (identified by ‘Revised July 2018’ on the copyright page) will include all these revisions.

Thanks to everybody who identified mistakes and errors in the gamebook.  I’ve learnt a lot about how to work with proofreaders and playtesters in the process and hope to provide a cleaner, more correct Kickstarter print of Volume II.  If you’re still confused by some of the broken links in your copy, take a look at the corrections page I created a while ago.



With this done, I’m confident about including Steam Highwayman I: Smog and Ambuscade as an add-on reward in the Volume II Kickstarter.  I’m excited to think what it will feel like for a newcomer to the series receiving both books through the post together.

Proofreading for Volume II is about to begin, as I’ve prepared a draft copy for printing as well as e-versions, so do get in touch if you feel like helping out.