On Saturday 7th September, I’ll be running a stall at Fighting Fantasy Fest 5, in Ealing, West London. This’ll be my fourth attendance, and it’s something I really look forward to. At Fighting Fantasy Fest 2, I stalked ‘big fish’ in the gamebook community and sowed the seeds for my first Steam Highwayman kickstarter. By Fighting Fantasy Fest 3, I had gained some traction, even had a few fans of my own, and had a second volume to show off. By Fighting Fantasy Fest 4, I was pretty much a fixture. I had the third book to share and enjoyed meeting on a par with other independent gamebook writers.
This year Jon Green has invited me back, so I’ll be selling the three volumes of Steam Highwayman, some nice unbleached cotton tote bags, lots of maps, and spreading the word about volume IV – or possibly explaining why it hasn’t been published yet. Tonight I’ve actually been looking at my stock, pricing it up and generally preparing my stall.