Smog & Ambuscade Achievements

How many of these have you completed? Click to see hints (and moderate spoilers).

Not all of these are achievable in a single playthrough – a few contradict each other – and to complete some fully, you may need to travel to other Steam Highwayman volumes. Some exploits are rewarded with valuables, unique items, skill upgrades or information – and others will give you nothing but the experience.

If you fancy printing all 94, you can download it here.

Have you…

Built a hideout in High Wood or Windsor Wood?
  1. Find a tarpaulin in a market or hardware shop
  2. Buy an axe at a forge
  3. Raise your ingenuity in prison or, temporarily, with some white pills
Earnt some coins playing the piano?
  1. Visit Boulter’s Lock Hotel
  2. Bring your INGENUITY
  3. Increase your musicianship picking hops in Assendon Vale (Highways & Holloways)
Exacted vengeance on a rich playboy at Boulter’s Lock Hotel? (Multi-volume quest)
  1. Talk to the Vicar of St Nicholas Ibstone (Highways & Holloways)
  2. Buy a beer at the Tankard (The Reeking Metropolis)
  3. Visit Boulter’s Lock Hotel, prepared for a stiff fight
  4. Return to Ibstone (Highways and Holloways)
Won the Spenser Cup?  (A Great Deed)
  1. Bring a letter of introduction to West Wycombe House
  2. Kidnap Lalage Harris at Littlewick Green Engine Shop (bring a rope or net)
  3. A depressed shopkeeper on the road from Boulter’s Lock to Maidenhead has something you’ll need.
  4. Talk to the mechanic at the Freighter’s Haven (Lane End) for a smooth ride.  Bring cash.
  5. Use your invitation to enter Cliveden house – dressed in your very best.
  6. Read the text clues to win the race.
Spared a mysterious Coal Board official?
  1. Travel from Piddington to Wheeler End
  2. Wanted Statuses will boost your RUTHLESSNESS
Encountered Mistress DeFancy?

Travel from Piddington to Wheeler End

Shown charity to a poor haulier?

Terrify a freighter between the High Heavens and Marlow

Been rescued by a nameless old woman?
  1. Be wounded five times
  2. Have no friends
Found Hard-to-Find Farm?
  1. Search for an initialled purse in Horton Wood
  2. Ride west from Flackwell Heath
Gained a smattering of Legal Knowledge?
  1. Befriend Mr Hibbert at Hard-to-Find Farm
  2. Enjoy his library
Crossed Cookham Weir?
  1. The weir offers another unguarded river crossing – and cascades into future books…
  2. Off-road tyres will help
Repaired a riverside skiff?
  1. Ride to the southern bank of the Thames in the far west
  2. Raise your ENGINEERING with equipment like a pneumatic manual (ENG+3), engineer’s gauntlets (ENG+2) etc
  3. Waterproof paint and plumbing material can be bought at a good hardware store
Befriended Madame Juste?
  1. Wander the streets of Maidenhead on foot
  2. Defend a dancer from a ruthless assault
Sabotaged the railway?
  1. OPTIONAL: Train to use explosives in the mines of Cornwall (The Princes of the West) or Wales (Dark Vales & Dark Hearts)
  2. Obtain some explosives
  3. Cross the tracks north of Maidenhead
  4. Visit the Compact’s Headquarters to claim a reward
  5. OPTIONAL: Train the Compact in blowing things up (The Reeking Metropolis)
Followed a rainbow to its end?
  1. Pass through a brief shower between Pinkney’s Green and Maidenhead
  2. Head to Widbrook Common: bring a telescope or binoculars
Broken into Cliveden greenhouses?
  1. Share some food with a songster heading north-west on Frieth Road
  2. Use what he gives you to find some fruit
  3. Bring the exotic fruits to an old woman in Flackwell Heath to hear unique rumours
  4. Keep hold of the key for future locks!
Travelled a narrow way through Boyn Hill woods?
  1. Give the old woman a pineapple when you read her a newspaper
  2. Head east from Maidenhead Thicket
  3. A crucial route into Maidenhead even if you are Wanted by the Constables
Defended a road convoy departing the Golden Ball?
  1. Buy drinks at the Golden Ball
  2. Scout ahead on the road
  3. Don’t be too scary
Befriended Wellesley Garman?
  1. Buy drinks at the Golden Ball
  2. Watch out for crossbow bolts
  3. Defeat the brigand leader
  4. Visit Wellesley and his family at Burchett’s Green
Taught some tax collectors a lesson?
  1. Wander the Maidenhead streets
  2. Turn the brown-coated bullies away
    1. Prepare for a fight
  3. Or pay her tax for her
Hunted deer in Heath Wood?
  1. Ride to Bockmer End in the west
  2. Come ready to stalk: fine guns can be had at Boulter’s Lock
  3. Trust to luck!
Robbed Coulters Bank?
  1. Visit Coulters in High Wycombe
  2. Stack your RUTHLESSNESS with intimidating scars, a dark cloak or other items
  3. Take the guineas, seriously.
Opened a strongbox?
  1. Find an iron strongbox when robbing a carriage or bank vault
  2. Head to your hideout at Windsor Wood
  3. Raise your INGENUITY to 6 or higher – and you’ll need a special key or some welding tools
  4. Or visit Hunt’s in Marlow
Taken work as an Abbot’s enforcer?

Visit Bisham Abbey while Wanted by the Constables

Tried life on the inside?
  1. Get thrown into gaol without trial (Abbot Sneer can do this for you)
  2. Remain unwounded
  3. Stay lucky!
  4. Increase your RUTHLESSNESS or INGENUITY
Escaped from Gaol? (Great Deed)
  1. Get thrown into gaol without trial (Abbot Sneer can do this for you)
  2. Remain unwounded
  3. Stay lucky!
  4. Solidarity Points + GALLANTRY >15
Joined the Compact for Workers’ Equality?
  1. (Starting game option) Tell the Miller in the Crooked Billet that the rich must be punished to gain passdisc 101
  2. Visit a gin shop in Wooburn Green
    1. Bring passdisc 101 or answer Comrade Feaver’s questions
  3. There are three subquests
    1. Deliver a heavy parcel
    2. Plant compromising letters
    3. Pursue Squire Lynch
Delivered a heavy parcel?
  1. Take the interview to join the Compact for Workers’ Equality
  2. Disappoint Comrade Feaver
  3. Take the parcel to Maidenhead Freight Yard
  4. Return with passdisc 21 to Wooburn Green
Planted compromising letters?
  1. Return to the Compact Headquarters with passdisc 21
  2. Visit Harleyford Manor
    1. Use a rope, rope ladder or grappling iron and NIMBLENESS to break in
    2. Or rely on GALLANTRY
Pursued Squire Lynch of Burchett’s Green?
  1. Complete the earlier Compact quests
  2. Ride to Hall Place
  3. Defeat the Squire in a duel
  4. Choose to spare him or kill him
  5. Return to the Compact Headquarters
Robbed the Haulage Guild?
  1. Prepare an ambush at Inkydown Hill
  2. Settle in for a long wait
  3. Use gunfire for a quick reward
  4. Or threaten the crew to limit bloodshed
Stopped a school trip? (Extends into Highways & Holloways)
  1. Ride down the hill from Hedsor to Bourne End
  3. Kidnap and befriend Miss Evans
  4. Visit Henley Park School north of Henley-on-Thames (Highways & Holloways)
  5. Take a job as a supply teacher, relying on boosted ENGINEERING
  6. Return and set Miss Evans free with a fur coat and fifteen guineas
Avenged a distraught mother?
  1. Ride down the hill from Hedsor to Bourne End
  2. Follow the footman
Discussed ancient trees with a historical ecologist?
  1. Travel the lane between Bisham and Temple
  2. Note that in some editions, Score 3-4 leads directly to Temple village, when it should lead to 461
  3. Discover the professor in Horton Wood
Been poaching?

Bring a snare to Heath Wood and get lucky

Fitted a cargo crane to your barge?

Reach the old dock from Cookham Reach

Radicalised and armed the dockers of Wye Wharf?
  1. Bring your barge to Cookham reach and moor at the old dock
  2. Bring a revolutionary poster to improve your chances of making an impression
  3. Bring the passdisc to the Compact quartermaster
  4. Travel by river to Medmenham and return to the Wye
Discovered a private river crossing at Harleyford?
  1. Buy a drink at the Cross Keys in Burchett’s Green with at least 3 Solidarity Points
  2. Or steam a barge east from Medmenham
Jumped Hurley lock?
  1. A gas pressuriser will help
  2. Discover the secret of Harleyford Bridge
  3. Attract the Constables’ attention at Inkydown Wood
  4. Flee westwards
Earned a Doctor’s Trust?
  1. Visit Doctor Smollet’s surgery in Lane End
  2. Request treatment for your wounds
  3. Later, enjoy a glass of port in the Ship at Marlow
    1. Take the Doctor on his errand
  4. Or bring him a bottle of whisky
Helped build a flying machine?
  1. Oiled silk can be found with the gypsies of Maidenhead Thicket
  2. Ultra-tensed wire can replace telegraph wire (this can only be found threatening the Haulage Guild on Inkydown Hill)
  3. (Note that in some uncorrected editions, 550 lacks the important instruction “You are now the Friend of Arthur Smeaton”!)
Cast gold bars in a village forge?
  1. First befriend Arthur Smeaton of Handy Cross forge
  2. Increase the value of minor gold items by bringing six objects to him
Heard a musical genius?

Visit All Saints Church in Marlow

Taken work for the Haulage Guild?
  1. Bring an ivory fan or parasol to the Guild Compound east of Maidenhead
  2. Ride from Handy Cross to High Wycombe and encounter the Co-operative
  3. Destroy the engine for a reward
  4. Encounter the Haulage Guild in Maidenhead Thicket, but wait for their rivals
  5. Visit the Wethered Brewery in Marlow
Calmed the cows on Widbrook Common?
  1. Bring a whistle or your animal friendship skill (gained in other volumes!)
  2. Travel south from Cookham
Protected an apprentice?
  1. Visit Bourne End Freight Yard
  2. Beat the woman in an unarmed or blunt-weapon fight (eg club) for a better outcome
Drunk the yard of beer?

Repeatedly buys rounds of drink at the Ship

Become a Legend in Song? (Great Deed)
  1. Encounter the songster on the Frieth Road
  2. > 15 Solidarity Points
Argued your case in court?
  1. Get yourself arrested and taken to trial
  2. Rely on GALLANTRY and Legal Knowledge
Become a Famed Lawbreaker?

Argue your case in court, but neither too badly to be simply tossed into gaol, nor so well that you are let off

Bought off a jury?

Spend at least 100 guineas from your bank account to swing a jury in your favour

Found the picnic celeste?

Ride north through Horton Wood

Solved the mystery of the missing son?  (Requires Highways & Holloways)
  1. Visit Judge Hector of Hedsor House
  2. Hear his tale of woe
  3. Travel to the woods north-east of Stokenchurch (Highways & Holloways)
  4. Return to Hedsor House with the evidence
Learned a woodcutters’ dance?

Ride south from Cookham Dean

Stolen dropped cargo?

Spot an accident steaming south from Cookham

Learned card tricks from the Marvellous Jaffrey
  1. Carry some marked cards
  2. Ambush a private steam carriage on Inkydown Wood
Encountered the lady of the Burnt Rose?
  1. Get entry to Cliveden Ball
  2. Bring a bottle of chloroform
  3. Prepare yourself for a visit to gaol…
Had your fortune told by a gypsy?Had your fortune told by a gypsy?

Visit the encampment in Maidenhead Thicket

Chatted with a legendary painter?

Climb onto the embankment south of Taplow

Aided a disabled veteran?

Steam north from Furze Platt and stop to give him a lift

Found a true friend in Barsali?
  1. Ride north-west up Frieth road from Marlow with some jewellery in your pocket
  2. Celebrate a birthday
  3. Encounter the family again on Winter Hill
  4. Use wirecutters to help with a rescue
  5. Visit the encampment in Maidenhead thicket for rest, rewards and good prices for stolen goods
  6. Barsali appears again in Highways & Holloways
Reconciled the Curtiss brothers?
  1. Visit the steam fair on Pinkney’s Green
  2. Ask about the Curtiss Brothers at the Cross Keys (in revised editions)
  3. OR Bring a guildsman’s medallion to High Wycombe Freight Yard and talk with the roadsmen there
  4. Find the widow at Bovingdon Green
  5. Visit the Curtiss wagon at Pinkney’s Green
Bought a cargo of discount beer?

Steam south along Cliveden reach aboard your barge

Found a sodden body in the river?
  1. You’ll need a grappling iron or cargo crane to get it out
  2. Steam south along Cliveden reach aboard your barge
Passed through a literary moment on the Thames?

Steam south along Cliveden reach aboard your barge – watch out for the dog

Sponsored a workhouse apprentice?
  1. Spend £5 at Marlow Workhouse to buy a boy out of drudgery
  2. Pass by the Cookham butcher to see how he fares
  3. Meet him again in the Yard by Smithfield Market (The Reeking Metropolis)
Talked your way out of the noose?

When on the way to execution, use Solidarity Points (at least 6), GALLANTRY, Wanted Statuses and the People’s Champion to inspire a riot

Drunk everything there is to be drunk
  1. Ruby Red
    1. – The Cricketers, Cookham Dean
  2. Wethered Fine IPA
    1. – The Cricketers, Cookham Dean
  3. Cookham Orchard Cider
    1. – The Cricketers, Cookham Dean
  4. The Wanderer’s Ale
    1. – Wethered Brewery, Marlow
  5. Thames Bitter
    1. – Two Brewers, Marlow
  6. Southern Sour
    1. – The World’s End, Maidenhead
  7. Cottage Garden
    1. – The Three Horseshoes, Flackwell Heath
  8. Traveller’s Rest
    1. – The Bounty, Cock Marsh
  9. Condor Ale
    1. – The World’s End, Maidenhead
  10. The Highwayman
    1. – The Cross Keys, Burchett’s Green
  11. Gin
    1. – Gin shop, Wooburn Green
  12. Terrier Ale
    1. – Fighting Cocks, Taplow
  13. Old Eel
    1. – The Drowned Badger, Medmenham
  14. Hodge’s Mild
    1. – The Swan Uppers, Cookham
  15. Water Rat
    1. – The Drowned Badger, Medmenham – river hatch
  16. The Traveller Stout
    1. – Red Lion, High Wycombe
Got a lame engineer back on his feet?
  1. Talk to Father Bourdain at St Marks, Bourne End
  2. Visit the engineer in Loudwater
  3. Bring cash, friendship with a powerful man, or some way for him to be affiliated with a faction
Played the good Samaritan when a landslide blocks the road?
  1. Ride west of Danesfield
  2. Stop and help – bringing her to the Drowned Badger
  3. Return to pay her dues
  4. Continue the story at Bosahan House in western Cornwall (The Princes of the West)
Saved Wethered Brewery from closure?
  1. Visit the brewery in Marlow
  2. Provide a set of punchcards (Aramanth A) found with Mistress DeFancy, at the Red Lantern, as a reward from Mrs Petty or elsewhere
Robbed a paychest?
  1. Buy drinks at the Freighter’s Haven, Lane End
  2. Cut a deal with the haulier
  3. OR ambush her, with a net to simplify things
Talked with an army deserter?

Ride south from Cookham Dean in the rain

Become a Constabulary Informer?
  1. Visit the Two Brewers while Wanted by the Constables
  2. Complete a quest for the Compact and return to Mrs Petty
  3. Follow your spymaster to The Reeking Metropolis
Explored a hilltop mausoleum?

A skeleton key is the simplest way to get entry to the cave beneath the West Wycombe mausoleum

Got vengeance on Colonel Snappet?
  1. Take work as an ENGINEER at Danesfield house, and rely on high ENGINEERING scores
  2. Confront Snappet at the Clivenden Ball
  3. Defeat him in a midnight duel
  4. Continue your adventure with Colonel Snappet’s pocket book in Highways & Holloways
Heard a rumour of hidden Cornish Gold?
  1. Spend some time in gaol
  2. Talk to Toothy Braddock
Had a fish mounted behind a pub bar?
  1. Steam upriver from Bray at night
  2. Use a fishing line
  3. Take the large pike to the Bounty before it goes bad
Encounter a lookalike

Rob a private steam carriage in Maidenhead Thicket

Prepared a road train for a long journey?

Take work at Marlow Freight Yard  

Treated a confectioner with a stick of rock?
  1. Stop the school bus and kidnap the teacher
  2. Bring the stick of rock to West Wycombe sweetshop
Fully upgraded your Ferguson velosteam?
  1. Handy Cross: muffled exhaust; enlarged fuel tank; reinforced boiler
  2. Littlewick Green: gas pressuriser; muffled exhaust 
  3. Lane End: off-road tyres; gas pressuriser
  4. Maidenhead: double headlamp; reinforced boiler
Bet on the steam races?

Visit the track at the High Heavens

Ridden the Wall of Death?
  1. Complete the Curtiss Brothers’ quest
  2. Return to the fair and motor carefully!
Loaded a bargain cargo of coal?
  1. Encounter the charcoal burners in Horton Wood
  2. Head to Bourne End Wharf
Intercepted a barge of Constabulary supplies and given it to the poor?
  1. Steam west along the Thames past Cock Marsh
  2. Find the string of barges
  3. Bring an axe for a quick unmooring
Held a rich woman hostage aboard your barge?
  1. Sail towards Boulter’s Lock from Maidenhead with a GALLANTRY >8
  2. Don’t forget the bottle of chloroform
Defended a woman and her children from an overseer?
  1. Steam west along the Thames past Cock Marsh
  2. Spot the workers in the osier beds
Brought gold bullion to fund the revolution?

Comrade Treasurer at the Compact hideout offers a good price for gold

Fitted your barge with a Perkins engine and carried frozen freight?
  1. Freebody’s Yard can fit a Perkins
  2. Ice must be bought at Bisham Abbey
Found a bargee’s badge and saved money on river tolls

Comrade Feaver will give you one as a reward

Heard a rumour about an imposter?

Ride south over the fields towards Burchett’s Green

Shown a clockwork bird to the old gypsy?

The fortune-teller in Maidenhead Thicket will drop a few crumbs of information…